Best things to do in New York

7 Best things to do in New York

Are you new in the city of New York and yet to know what to do or where to visit ? Or already in New York but have no idea where to visit during your holidays?

Worry less, as we bring to you, the best things to do in New York City.

Kindly relax and read through these lists to get an idea of your ideal place to unwind or trace back history.

Here is a list of some of the best things you could do for yourself in New York City:

7 Best things to do in New York

1: The Manhattan Helicopter Tour 

2: Visitation to the Statue of Liberty 

3: Visit to 9/11 site

4: Tour Of Brooklyn Bridge 

5: Central Park,New York

6: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

7: Empire State Building

Best things to do in New York

1:  The Manhattan Helicopter Tour 

One good experience to want to embark on on entering into the city of New York is the tour around Manhattan in a helicopter, with prices that are affordable and kind, you’re surely getting to see different corners of the City in an helicopter.

While on the helicopter, your pilots give you up-to-date information about happenings in the area as well as weather info. This experience is best for those whose love for sightseeing is topnotch and wants to have a memorable lifetime experience. 

Location : East River Pier, New York 

Budget range: $249

Opening hours :  

Monday – Saturday : 09:30 morning – 06:30 evening


One popular sign of being in America is the Statue of Liberty that resides in New York City giving a warm welcome to newly arrived persons who just arrived in the city via the neighbourhood.

However,in wanting to know about the beautiful structures that reside around, visitors are at liberty to pick the shortness or longness of their stay, the different options available gives tourists the opportunity to either stay within the Statue of Liberty or elongate the experience.

Additionally,one is given the options of either choosing a tour guide for visitation to the statue of liberty or a guide in audio for other areas around the site.

The liberty island ground also offers visitors an interesting and well curated museum if there’s any need to explore the statue’s history. 

Location : Liberty Island, New York 

Budget Range : $45

Opening hours: 

Monday – Sunday : 08:30 Morning – 04:00 Evening 

3: Visit to 9/11 site

Whenever you get to New York City and in need of a place to visit, the 9/11 memorial museum is another pleasant place to go unwind as you’ll be given the opportunity to sightsee places that will always want you to come back.

In addition,the 9/11 memorial museum is a place that serves as a remembrance site for WTC attacks and the victims. The whole tragedy is a part of New York city history and a thing never to be forgotten. If you are the emotional type, do well to go with plenty of tissue paper because you might/will feel sorry for them.

Side attractions include happenings of the 2001 attack, media and souvenirs of the ruins which had served as an honour for those who lost their lives in the tragic event.  It’s a must visit place for you if you are in New York. 

Location : Greenwich St,New York 

Budget : $33

Opening hours: 

Mon-Sat 9:00 Morning -7:00 Evening 

Excluding Tuesdays


This monument is in between Brooklyn and the neighbouring city for all kinds of transports and passers-by. This bridge serves as a symbol of NYC which is also referred to as the East River Bridge, with designs that will make you want to spend more time so you could experience the beautiful sights of NYC clouds.

While on the bridge, the beauty of the city can’t be overlooked as you’ll be tempted to take multiple photographs especially on a sunny day. The bridge gives you beautiful views from the Dumbo sides to ferry rides from Manhattan to Brooklyn and towns like South Williamsburg have a lot to offer. Also,the bridge is accessible to the physically challenged who are on wheelchairs.

Go see for yourself why the Brooklyn Bridge is one of America’s most iconic experiences. 

Location: Brooklyn Bridge, New York 

Budget : $13

Opening hours: 

Mondays – Sundays : 12:00 morning (am) – 11:59 Evening (pm)

5: Central Park, New York 

An 800 acre park with a huge variety of attractions in the city of New York, where you can find huge trees, flowering plants, paths in forested areas that lead to the main park, horse carriage, fountains, statues, lake and a reservoir. 

This place has lots of serene views and areas to explore. It also connects to other areas with public transit options available. There is also a wild area with streams and little waterfalls. 

There is alway more to do there when you visit as it offers something for everyone, so make sure you don’t miss the Shakespeare garden, the castle and turtle pond.

Location: Central Park, New York 

Budget : $44 – $195

Opening hours: 

Monday-Saturday 6:00 Morning (AM) -1:00 (PM) Evening 

6: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

This museum has diverse collections that sparks engaging discussion and offers something to everyone. 

From a world class museum that holds so many priceless treasures ranging from the captivating Egyptian area, American wing, African arts, Ancient Eastern arts, Arms and Armory, this museum corner holds something extraordinary. There are also a few interesting and unique exhibitions with knowledgeable staff to show you around the museum.

You do not have to be an art fanatic before you appreciate the beauty and history.

The experience and inspiration that would be gotten from this site is one that gives you unprecedented satisfaction and means to want to explore more.

Location: 1000 5th Avenue, New York 

Budget: $17 – $30

Openng hours:

Mondays,Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays  10:00 (Morning( AM- 5:00 (Evening) PM 

Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 (Morning) AM  -9:00 (Evening) PM 

7  Empire State Building 

This building is one amongst the famous buildings in the city of New York, rising to 1,454 ft above ground level, and boasts of being the only open roof building in midtown.  The building has friendly staff who would usher you into the building, setting the stage for a magical experience ahead of you. 

The tranquil beauty of the sunrise combined with watching the city awake from slumber is just spectacular. You should also see the New York city above at night as it always sparkles in such  a way that leaves you stop right in your tracks, as if it looks as though someone out there poured out plenty of layers of stars from the sky. 

Location : 34th Street, New York,US

Budget: $44 – $1,000

Opening hours: 

Mondays – Sundays : 09:00 Morning (am) – 01:00 Morning (am)


Having given you an elaborate list of 7 best things to do in New York City, when next you’re in the city of New York, be sure to visit any of the above mentioned places to relieve yourself of boredom or stress as the experience you’ll be getting from visiting these places would be one that will remain forever green.

Let’s put aside the cost of tickets,it shouldn’t be a thing of worry as leisure shouldn’t be put on hold. In these places, you’re in for a great treat and experiences that won’t be gotten anywhere else.

Originally posted 2024-05-20 08:29:24.

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